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About us

Behind Eisnherz stands the company Gritsch Metall SAS from Prato allo Stelvio - South Tyrol.
Gritsch Metall SAS

Heart, passion and quality from master hand.

e.g. for home, garden, hotel and parties


The ideas, the drawings up to the production have their origin in our emplacement in Prato allo Stelvio.


We attach great importance to the quality of the material, the best workmanship and above all we try to satisfy each customer requirement.


We have something to suit every season, every celebration and every taste.


Also single pieces, manufactured on request, are not missing in our offer.

Our story

We are a family business in which the profession of locksmith and blacksmith has been practiced for generations.

For years now, in addition to its main work, the company has been producing smaller decorative articles on request for its customers.

In order to satisfy exactly these requirements, the idea to open a small shop was born.

During the development of the business we were a father-daughter team, with many ideas, passion for the material and above all a lot of heart and soul which we put into the realisation.

In order to realize our ideas, the employees of the company were brought on board, so that each of our products an be manufactured from the beginning with every step in our workshop.

The ideas, the drawings up to the production have their origin in our emplacement in Prad.

We attach great importance to the quality of the material, the best workmanship and above all we try to satisfy each customer requirement.

Our assortment has grown considerably in the last 2 years since the opening in August 2016. We have something to suit every season, every celebration and every taste. By combining them with other natural materials such as wood, flowers, concrete… we give our products a warm and beautiful touch. Also single pieces, manufactured on request, are not missing in our offer.

In each of our pieces lies a lot of heart, passion and quality from master hand.

Family Gritsch

Max and Edith (company Gritsch Metall)

Sarah (daughter)

Doris (daugther-in-law)

our masterpieces

Eisnherz best pieces…